Give us Today Our Daily Bread

By Andrew Cascio

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is a verse from the Lord’s Prayer from the Sermon on the Mount. At first look you think that Jesus is saying to pray daily for food. Let’s look a little bit beyond that. Jesus knows our wants and needs, he knows what it is that we need to survive. We need food, shelter, air, protection, love, and most of all HIM. It’s a great reminder that everyday we need these things, everyday we should pray for them and thank him for them.

Above it all we need Jesus. We need him everyday, we need a relationship with him, we need to study his word, and we need to understand it. The more we seek him and spend time with him, the more we will know him. It’s a great reminder that we don’t just pray for something once and leave it be. We continually pray for it daily.

It is an act of obedience, it’s an act of faith. Daily we go to him, it shows a dependence on him. It isn’t just a one and done type of thing. We are to rely on him for our needs. We are to know that he is the supplier. We are to have faith in knowing that it is his will above ours and he knows what’s best for us. Really ponder that thought next time you are praying for a need.

Think about how blessed we are as a people, how much he truly does for us, and then think about how much we need HIM and how much we rely on him. Thank him for allowing us to come to him for anything, for always being there with us, and for allowing us to have that relationship with him. Even though we may not deserve it, he loves us and wants to have that relationship with us. How blessed are we that we can go to him freely!?! Anytime, anywhere.


Be Kind


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