Seek and Find

By Andrew Cascio

“Seek and you will find.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Do you remember playing hide and seek as a kid? Did you look for friends and siblings all over the place? Did you search and search until you found them? Or did you open the pantry door and say “nope, not here, I give up!”? I know I looked under the bed, in the closet, behind the chair, in the laundry room, and all over until I found them! I didn’t just spend a few seconds then give up. So why do we feel seeking God should be any different?

Often times I hear people say stuff like God wasn’t there for me when I needed him. Or how can you have faith in God when bad things happen to you? Well folks, how much effort are we putting into it? Are we actively seeking a relationship with him? Are we reading his word, are we praying, are we attending church, are we doing Bible studies, are we trying to have a relationship with him? I know he wants a relationship with us, but we have to want it too.

We have to study his word, understand what his will is, and seek a relationship that will glorify him. The more we seek him, the more we will see what his will is for us, what is a right fit for us and what is not. Things will be revealed to us, and we will have a better understanding. The act of seeking isn’t a one time thing, it is a continuous act, a repetitious act. Don’t give up if you aren’t finding what you’re looking for.

Continue to search it out, continue to pray, and continue to ask God to show you what it is that he wants from you. The more you search for him, the easier it is going to be to find him, he is right there, he’s waiting for you open armed and ready to love on you.


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