
By Andrew Cascio

“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We have been called to be like Christ, the ultimate living stone. He is our Cornerstone, he is what we are built on. Imagine if you will a house being built. You have a firm foundation on which it is all being built on, that is Christ. Now, every single stone thereafter will create the rest of the walls, forming the actual building, giving it character and depth. We are those stones!

We are forming a place where he can dwell. The Holy Spirit lives inside each and every one of us. As our stones are placed on the Cornerstone we are made new and whole. We are part of him and he is part of us. We are to be like him, we are to be the priests of our homes, we are to be priests of those we have influence with, we are to love people like Christ loves us.

As we study our Bibles, as we pray, as we have a connection and learn his will for us, we can then know how to love on others and help to show them the love of God. Yes we aren’t perfect, yes we make mistakes, but we repent and ask forgiveness. We try and get better day by day. We try and be better people. Guess what!?

NO ONE is better at being you than you are! Each day make a conscious decision to walk a righteous path, and when you stumble, know that HE is there to catch you and help you get back on your way.


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In All Things Give Thanks