The Measure of a Man

The measure of a man

By Roberta Stultz

Have you ever wondered why God even bothers with mankind? I know He has a divine plan for us all but there are times that I really wonder. The state of affairs in our culture are so perverse that only His grace and mercy keep things afloat.

Psalm 8:4-6 says, "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet….”

Wow, we really are a fallen and broken people. Except JESUS chose to give up his place in the divine heavenlies and rescue us from our Adamic nature. The problem is Father wanted a family that chose to love and serve Him. Where did we lose track of who we really are? Part of a Royal family, heirs of a living God. It seems that we can be reduced to the choices we make daily.

The first choice is to receive Him as our Lord and Savior, but that’s the easiest choice compared to the daily and even hourly choices we are required to make as we long to become true friends of the Creator and Master of all. It all boils down to the question, "who is Lord?" All God ever asks of us is to serve Him only; not to have any other gods. Loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Of course, we can’t even do that without the power of His Holy Spirit, the fivefold ministries and brothers and sisters in Christ working with us on a regular basis.

WHAT’S MISSING? Dare I make a guess? For myself I think it’s a hunger and thirst for righteousness, to consider what is more important to me than seeking the Lord and spending time in His presence. He has promised that He will always be available. My focus has been on myself and what I want and not a passion to magnify the Lord or how I can be of service to my neighbor or church family. We don’t realize who we are and all that we have to offer. We must get back to the basic principle of “I am my brother’s keeper” and asking how I can serve my Savior while serving those that He places in my daily path.

At times I find I can be so spiritually minded I am no earthly good. Let’s get real and look for ways to share His loving kindness. If we want to be a light in this darkness, we must embrace the One who has the power to change our hearts.


Great is Thy Faithfulness
